It was in 1986 when a Workshop on “Materials for Solid State Batteries” was held at Singapore.  That was when a group of like-minded researchers of the Asian region joined hands and founded the ASSSI consisting of member-nations from the Asia region. Late Prof. T. Takahashi from Japan who served as the founding President of this Society and late Prof. S. Radhakrishna from India who was then the Secretary for the Committee on Science and Technology in Developing Countries (COSTED) were primarily instrumental in founding this Society. Although they are no longer with us, we pay homage to their vision and foresight in founding this Society to serve the needs of future generation.


Motivated by the response received for Singapore Workshop, the senior members of ASSSI decided to organize series of biennial conference named “Asian Conference on Solid State Ionics” to bring together the concerned researchers from the Asian countries to exchange notes, ideas, foster friendship and collaboration, and discuss future prospects.  The first in the series was held in Singapore in 1988. Since then the biennial Conference has been going from place to place within Asia and now reaching the 16th in the series at Shanghai. The first 15 conferences in this series were held at: Singapore, Beijing (China), Varanasi (India), Kaula Lumpur (Malaysia), Kandy (Sri Lanka), New Delhi (India), Fuzhou (China), Langkawi (Malaysia), Jeju (South Korea), Kandy (Sri Lanka), Coimbatore (India), Wuhan (China), Sendai (Japan), Singapore and Patna (India). The very fact that both the Society and Conference series sustained interest of members and member societies for so long speak volumes about ASSSI in general and the subject matter in particular. All of us can indeed be proud of this achievement. 


Even though these biennial conference series are mostly attended by the scientists from the Asian region, consistently we have been having participation from our distinguished colleagues from Europe and USA as well. To name a few participants, the founding fathers of Solid State Ionics like Paul Hagenmuller from France, Greg Farrington from USA, Bruno Scrosati from Italy, Brian Steele from UK, Osamu Yamamoto from Japan, Suresh Chandra from India, Chen Liquan from China, Detlef Brinkmann from Switzerland, Werner Wepner from Germany and many others participated in this series of conferences. Being actively involved in ASSSI in various capacities.